Pickleball 101

How to play a Pickleball Doubles Game

Step-by-Step Breakdown of How a Pickleball Doubles Game is Played

Pickleball doubles is one of the most exciting formats of the game. Whether you’re a beginner or just need a refresher, this step-by-step guide will walk you through exactly how a pickleball doubles game is played, from start to finish.

1️⃣ Setting Up the Game

Before you begin playing, you need to set up the court and understand the positions.

  • The Court: A pickleball court is 20 feet wide by 44 feet long, divided by a net that is 36 inches high at the sidelines and 34 inches in the centre.
  • The Teams: Each team has two players—one on the right side and one on the left side of their respective courts.
  • The Kitchen: The Non-Volley Zone (NVZ), or “the kitchen,” is a 7-foot area on both sides of the net where players cannot volley the ball (hit it before it bounces).

2️⃣ Deciding Who Serves First

To start the game, teams determine who serves first. This can be done in a few ways:

  • Coin Toss or Paddle Spin: The winner chooses either to serve first or to pick a side.
  • Traditional Start Rule: The team that serves first only gets one server before the ball is turned over to the other team.

Once decided, the serving team always starts from the right-hand side of the court.

3️⃣ Serving the Ball

The serve must follow these rules: ✅ The serve must be underhand and hit below waist level.
✅ The server must stand behind the baseline.
✅ The ball is hit diagonally crosscourt to the opponent’s service box.
✅ The ball must clear the net and land past the kitchen line.

⚠️ If the ball lands in the kitchen or outside the court, it’s a fault.
⚠️ Only one serve attempt is allowed per player (except for a let, where the ball clips the net but lands in the correct service box).

4️⃣ The Two-Bounce Rule

The two-bounce rule is crucial in pickleball and applies immediately after the serve: 1️⃣ The receiving team must let the serve bounce before hitting it.
2️⃣ The serving team must let the return bounce before playing their shot.

💡 After these two bounces, the game continues with volleys (hitting before the bounce) or groundstrokes (hitting after the bounce).

5️⃣ Rallying & Keeping the Ball in Play

After the two-bounce rule is met, the rally begins, and players can: ✅ Volley the ball (hit it in the air) only if they are outside the kitchen.
Hit groundstrokes (after the bounce) from anywhere on the court.
Dink the ball (soft shot into the kitchen) to set up a strategic advantage.

Faults That End a Rally:
❌ Hitting the ball out of bounds.
❌ Hitting the ball into the net.
❌ Volleying from inside the kitchen.
❌ Failing to return the ball before a second bounce.

If the serving team wins the rally, they score a point and the same player serves again, switching sides with their partner.

6️⃣ Scoring & The Serving Sequence

Pickleball uses a side-out scoring system—only the serving team can score points.

1️⃣ First Server Serves

  • If the serving team wins the rally, they score a point and switch sides (left to right, right to left).
  • If they lose the rally, the serve passes to their partner.

2️⃣ Second Server Serves

  • If the second server wins the rally, they also switch sides and continue serving.
  • If they lose the rally, it is a side out, and the other team gets to serve.

💡 Remember:

  • Only the serving team scores points.
  • Players switch sides ONLY when they win a point.

7️⃣ Calling the Score

In doubles, the score is always called as three numbers: 1️⃣ Serving Team’s Score
2️⃣ Receiving Team’s Score
3️⃣ Server Number (either “1” or “2”)

🔹 If the serving team has 3 points, the receiving team has 2, and the first server is serving:
📢 “3-2-1”

🔹 If the second server is now serving:
📢 “3-2-2”

🔹 If the receiving team wins the rally and gets the serve:
📢 “2-3-1” (new first server starts from the right side).

8️⃣ Winning the Game

Pickleball games are typically played to: 🏆 11 points (win by 2).
🏆 Some tournaments may go to 15 or 21 points (still win by 2).

Once a team reaches the required points with a 2-point lead, they win the game!

🔹 Quick Summary of How a Pickleball Doubles Game Works

1️⃣ Start with a serve from the right-hand court (underhand, diagonal, past the kitchen).
2️⃣ Follow the two-bounce rule (ball must bounce once on each side after the serve).
3️⃣ Engage in a rally (volleys, groundstrokes, dinks, and strategic play).
4️⃣ Only the serving team can score points.
5️⃣ Switch servers when a fault occurs, then switch to the other team after both servers lose their rally.
6️⃣ Play to 11, win by 2!

Final Tips for Beginners

✔️ Stay at the kitchen line after the serve sequence is complete—this is the strongest position!
✔️ Use soft dinks to control the rally and set up a winning shot.
✔️ Communicate with your partner—call shots and work as a team.
✔️ Be patient—pickleball rewards control and strategy over power.

Now that you know how a pickleball doubles game is played step by step, all that’s left to do is hit the court and start playing! 🎾🏓

Print out our pdf step by step guide on how to play the doubles game of Pickleball.

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